Friday, December 28, 2007

Jack and Bella celebrate Christmas

Jack and Bella are truly lucky! They had a wonderful Christmas. We first had our family Christmas here at home Saturday night. Nathaniel and I first took Jack and Bella to meet Santa and then propped them in their Bumbo seats and videoed the opening of presen. It was a special night for the 4 of us. Well, at least Nathaniel and I knew what was going on. We had fun! The next morning we left for Iowa and spent the next couple of days there. There, they got to meet Santa again at the house where their Daddy grew up. We attended Christmas Eve services where Bella was Jesus in the church nativity. Jack was supposed to play the part, but a last minute diaper "issue" prevented that and he wasn't available. Jack and Bella also got to make another special trip to see Great Grandma Norgren. We enjoy visiting Great Grandma and she loves to hold the babies. From Iowa we loaded up the car and headed to Omaha for the Stavropoulos family Christmas. We ate dinner in the old market at Vivace and also got to see Aunt Katina's store, Katina's Couture.
In the end it was lots of travel and fun and mommy and daddy couldn't wait to see their bed when we got home! The babies are truly blessed. They received presents from every direction! More importantly, the babies were surrounded by so much love. Thank you to everyone for making their first Christmas so special.
We wish everyone a happy and healthy 2008!!!

P.S. MORE exciting news!!! Aunt Kaisha and Jake got engaged and we are very excited that Jake is going to be our Uncle!!! Congrats Aunt Kaisha and Uncle Jake!!!

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Jack and Bella are models!

Jack and Bella have been asked to participate in a photo shoot for a local boutique. On Tuesday night I got a call from the store located close to our house and they asked me if I would let Jack and Bella model baby clothes for their website. Of course I said yes! They have their first baby photo shoot the weekend of January 11-12. This also happens to be the weekend that Aunt Susan and Samantha will be here visiting from Ohio so we will all get to go together to watch the babies strike a pose! :)
We first became familiar with the store while I was on maternity leave. We shopped in there a lot with Nana and really enjoy their clothes. This is very exciting for us!
This is the link to the store and of course when the pictures are taken, we'll post them here too!!!

Friday, December 14, 2007

Snow Days!

Really it was an ice day, but snow sounds more fun. Last Tuesday we were iced in and day care was closed. Nathaniel and I traded off all day trying to get some work done while taking care of Jack and Bella. We got a little bored and took a few pictures. You'll have to forgive our appearances. Doesn't snow day mean no shower day?!?!