Tuesday, October 23, 2007

New Baby Pictures!

Jack and Bella get new baby pictures today. To whet your appetite for them here are some "newer" pics. I put that in quotes because they grow so fast I'll probably come home from work tonight and Jack will have sideburns.

This is some good fist!
Can you see Jack? I know it's hard, he's in cammo. Like a mini Schwarzenegger.

Such a poser!

Just finished a t-bone.

So tired from being pampered all day!

Do his hands look big in the picture? He can palm a 28.5 basketball.

Giving you the 'eye'

Kinda tired


Can you see Jack through the cheeks?

I find that bunny both incredibly intriguing and a bit morbid.

Such a dainty sleeper

Um, yeah, that's bright. Hello? *cries*

Until next time,
Nathaniel, Stephanie, Jack and Bella


Anonymous said...

They are so adorable and are growing so fast! Keep the pictures coming!

Unknown said...

Nathan and Stephanie, your babies are so beautiful. I love the comments you put with the pictures. I'm glad everyone is doing so well. I think about you all often. Sure miss seeing you in the neighborhood.