The time has finally come! We are free of that pesky formula and the mandatory of bottles. The babies have been officially switched to whole, organic milk that they love. Jack, especially, is a big fan. We moved to the milk on Saturday and Sunday night did not offer a bottle before bed. To our surprise, Jack and Bella went to sleep without so much as a peep and we even had to wake Jack up the next morning at 7:40 to get him ready for school. Bella was up at 6:30. She's our early bird. :)I don't want to jinx the whole process but I must say that so far, so good! Along with that, the babies went last Friday for their one year well baby check and shots. The shots were not fun and they let us know! Both babies cried quite a bit but it was quick and over and I brought fruit snacks which seemed to help the process along and make things a little easier. Go mom! We also took some Tylenol before the shots (they recommend this) and that seemed to fight off any potential fever they could have gotten as a result of the shots. Now to the good stuff.....let's see how they measure up. For those of you that don't get to see them a whole lot, I am sure this is fun!
Weight --> 23 lbs. 8 oz. --> 75%
Length --> 31 inches --> 90%
Head 18 1/2 --> 50-75%
Weight --> 21 lbs --> 50%
Length --> 30 3/4 inches --> 90%
Head 18 1/4 --> 50-75%
Looks like we have some tall babies!
We have talked about the possibility of visiting a pumpkin patch this weekend so stay tuned because we might have pictures from that. Regardless I put some up just for fun!