Friday, January 23, 2009

Anniversaries, new hair styles and words galore!

The title pretty much sums this up. Firstly the pictures you see below are from last Saturday, January 17th, at Popi and Nana's. Popi and Nana celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary that day. What an exciting and beautiful day it was. Nana said the weather was a lot like the day they got married. They didn't even have to wear coats. Happy Anniversary Popi and Nana!
A couple of the pictures are of Bella sporting her new hairstyle. She's been wearing piggy tales this week and has been loving it. She has issues with having her hair pulled up and will quickly pull it out but with the piggy tails she has been leaving them in! When we picked she and Jack up from school yesterday she STILL had them in at the end of the day. This is unheard of and her teachers were so surprised!!
The last thing we wanted to share is Jack and Bella's growing vocabulary. It's really exciting and even the director of their school said she is very impressed with their vocabulary at this point. Very exciting for Mommy and Daddy! :)
Whenever we are in the car they talk to me constantly and are getting really good at communicating things that they want. Jack says lots of fun stuff: Momma, Dadda, Water, cracker, Nana,ball, milk (kind of), No!, Whoa! and baby. That's just to name a few. Bella says: Momma, Dadda, water, more, all done, milk, baby, ball,Papa (Popi?), No! and Whoa!
It's pretty exciting for us to finally get to communicate with them and they love when we interact and you can see their faces really light up when we accomplish something together! It's pretty cute because they will pretty much attempt to repeat anything we say. Sometimes they get it and sometimes they don't, but these are the words they use with regularity.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jack and Bella "Talking"

We thought we'd capture on film the words that Jack and Bella have accrued in their vocabulary. Needless to say they may be more audible to us, the parents, then to most of you (plus we may think they are saying something that the aren't!).

Please enjoy the video and for reference we have a mixed bag of 'no no', 'Bella' (Wellwa), 'water' (wa wa), 'dog' (daaa), 'da da' and 'ma ma', among many others coming your way!