Today the babies had their 6 month check up and shots. As it turns out, both are getting plenty to eat! :) I was concerned that we weren't feeding them correctly or enough so when I asked the doctor she said "Oh, I can answer that for you really quickly...they are definitely growing so you are doing a good job!" She also mentioned how well they were doing developmentally. Both babies roll over now, Jack sits up and holds his own bottle and Bella can sit up with some help. It's only a matter of time before they are crawling! She even told us to get ready to child proof the house. Looks like pretty soon we are going to be moving Jack out of his baby carrier and into his big boy car seat too! They change everyday, so check back soon!
Jack-Weight: 19 lbs. 12 oz - 90th percentile
Height: 28 inches - 95th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 5/8 - 75th percentile
Bella-Weight:16 lbs. 14 oz. - 50th percentile
Height: 26 3/4 inches - 75th percentile
Head Circumference: 17 3/8 - 75th Percentile