Friday, February 6, 2009

Baby dolls, Tutus and Jack!

Ohhhh boy! Nathaniel and I took a trip to Las Vegas with my family last weekend. While we were there I bought a pink tutu for Bella. The back story on that is that they have several of these "play" tutus at school and she will carry it to the teachers and have them put it on her. From there she just goes on with her day and play....tutu pulled over her jeans. What can I say? She is her mother's daughter and shares my love of dance! I have already checked into dance schools in the area and she can start taking when she is 3. I seem to remember my first ballet classes around that same age. My first recital was to a song called "Blow me a kiss." I cried through the whole thing. Ask Nana. Enough about me! So we bought the tutu and brought it back and Bella loves it. Jack loves it too which is pretty funny when he puts it on. Daddy doesn't let that happen very often. :)Bella also has a new baby doll and stroller that she really enjoys playing with. She has learned to feed the baby and push the stroller around, although I think she would rather sit in it. She points to it and says "bebe" and that is just how it sounds. Very sweet. This brings us to Jack.... dear sweet Jack. Jack is a true boy in every sense aside from the tutu wearing. He really enjoys picking up the baby stroller and carrying it around. He also seems to enjoy taking it from his sister when she is having an ounce of fun with it. I believe he has also thrown it a couple of times as well. Oh yes, and let's not forget when he sits in it. Jack isn't exactly a tiny kid so the image of him in the tiny stroller is quite a sight. He is who he is and he's hysterical. We enjoy our time with both of them so much. Here are some fun and goofy pictures from the day after our return home.

Does this stroller make me look chubby?

Feeding "Bebe"

Jack attacking the camera as per usual

Daddy is funny!

Ring around the rosie is a Bella favorite

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